Union Buildings

Union Buildings

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Letter from my Mum in Mexixco

By Pieter Brink
Meintjeskop Ditaba No 1/1998

AII is well In MexIco City. No complaints; no-one listens anyway. Very quiet, even Popocatepetl (the volcano situated some 60km from here) has been quiet since sending smoke and ash some I3km Into the air In June .....

On our return from the States we were greeted by the home being burgled two days previously. South Africa IS not unique with its high crime rate. Mexico is worse: However, it must be said that the thieves here have a certain amount of class. 

Not only are they very careful not to damage your property in any way (they managed to get in without a trace of entry), they are very selective In what they steal. A leather Jacket for him and one for the wife, jewellery, watches, perfume and aftershave to look good for the party they were to host. Also for the party - they took two Hi-fi sets and 2 CD players so they could have music all around. T

heir taste In music was not the same as ours so they left the CDs (about 150 of them). Their party was also a non-booze affair which meant they did not need any of ours, of which of course there was plenty - even good '{YVV wines, whisky etc. A deeply religious bunch of thieves here In Mexico, and thoughtful too. Mom got the 120 piece silver cutlery set. 

They certainly were not computer literate so left the computer and printer, but had a passion for communication so the fax machine was on the list. No doubt all their friends In ''HIgh'' places would receive notification of the new list of assets. The cellphone also went, maybe some of their friends cannot read, who knows. All in all, a decent bunch! 

They took the motor car to transport the goods home and then left the car (practically undamaged) on the side of the road for the police to find!

It must be said that if we are to be burgled again, it would be appreciated if the organiser of crime here would use these guys!! "

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