Union Buildings

Union Buildings

Photo Gallery

Here we have the presentation of Credentials to General Francisco Franco, a Spanish general and the dictator of Spain from 1939 until his death in 1975, out at El Pardo in 1952. (Left to right): Franco,  Minister Du Toit, (up from Lisbon), Jack Bruce, head of the Madrid Legation (1st secretary, but big stuff in those days of a small F.O) John Mills (3rd Secretary - Madrid), and Otto Adendorff, (Information secretary from Lisbon)

Airmen. 1952 Madrid. The first time South African airmen had landed in Spain. A big party given for them. (Front row) - Jack Bruce, Charge of Madrid a very courteous gentleman.

Dr Malan arrivas in London for the Commonwealth Prime Minister's conference in 1949 Left is H.C. Egeland. John Mills centre Brig.Willmott right (Not sure of the other young man but think it was John Oxley.)

Here is a picture of Tom Wheeler,as South African ambassador presenting his letters of credence on the Silk Road 

Tom Wheeler  presenting his credentials to the President Akayev from Kyrgyzstan. He in a western business suit, while Tom is dressed in a traditional Uzbek silk robe with a “dopi” on his head!

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