Union Buildings

Union Buildings

Wednesday 2 November 2016

A first for the Lilongwe Mission.

Llewelyn Crewe-Brown, Lilongwe, Malawi.
Meintjeskop Ditaba N0 i/1997

The Embassy

After 20 odd years in the same rented premises the Lilongwe Mission eventually found more practical offices.

When this Mission first moved to the new city of Lilongwe, in the early 70's residences were either built or purchased for all the officers.

The chancery, however, was not built immediately and accommodation in one of the new buildings was rented. After a few years land was obtained, plans were drawn up, a scale model built and even tenders were called for the new chancery that Ppublic Works planned to build. This all came to nothing as more urgent chanceries in other countries had to be built. The mission expanded as more departments were accredited to Malawi but the building itself lost whatever glamour it had over the years. The one entrance was between a hairdresser and a video shop and the other was so dark and dingy that the mission staff felt embarrassed to receive visitors.

Efforts by various heads of mission eventually paid off when authority was given earlier this year to move the office to new quarters. The building chosen is part of the British High Commission building that became vacant when the ODA office moved to Harare.

The building is new, clean and a joy to work in. This is certainly the next best thing to building our own office. It must surely be a first for any South African mission to share accommodation in a building belonging to another diplomatic mission.

Lilongwe Official Residence

A joy to behold
The beautiful residence of the South African High Commission is the most gracious of all the official residences in Lilongwe. Not only is it impressive but it is very comfortable and excellent for entertaining.

The garden is a special feature of the residence. After the house was completed in the 70's the garden has been lovingly tendered by the spouses of various heads of mission. Each has given something of themselves to create a garden that is very special and which has won various trophies in the local garden competitions over the years.

When the Crewe-Browns arrived in Lilongwe they set out to put their own stamp on the garden. evere lines were softened with flowing flower beds and the centre part of the garden was opened up so that the beautiful trees can be revealed in all their glory. Victorian rose garden was created to enhance the entrance to the house.

A fern garden has been established under the dappled light of the trees and the herb garden is close enough to the kitchen to be very practical.

At the last Agricultural Show's garden competition the residence won a trophy for the best rose garden, the best stoep garden, the best bloom on show and finally, to the High Commissioner's delight, the best vegetable garden.

Amidst the problems and frustration of the office, the garden of the residence is the right tonic to refresh and renew oneself.

Uewelyn Crewe-Brown, Lilongwe, Malawi.

In an effort to assist charitable organisations in Lilongwe the staff of the South African High Commission in Lilongwe participates in the annual fund raising bazaar of the International Women Cub. This year the South African stall generated a third of the total amount of RIOO,OOO raised at the bazaar. This amount will be used to assist a number of charities.

The South African stall sold wine, grape juice, beer, sosaties, chocolates and dried fruit as well as hand-made products manufactured by disadvantaged women in South Africa.

The South African staff were all actively involved at every stage of this very  worthwhile project.
Nellien Crewe-Brown was chairlady of the committee organising the whole bazaar.Other staff members were responsible for importing the goods, others in making the sosaties and, of course, all were involved in the selling of the products. Things went so well that the public wanted there and then to buy the "rainbow" shirts the staff were wearing that day!!

This was a wonderful way of assisting local charities but also to get the staff members and their families to work together in a worth while project.

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