Union Buildings

Union Buildings

Thursday 15 October 2015

How to get the best out of our Blog ... tips and tracks

Google Blogger has a few limitations, but a lot of strengths. The chief limitation is the inability to print,  but there are workarounds.

First among these is to have automatically email each article to you. To achieve this you simply register for the free service, by scrolling down the blog until you see the box with the words:"Subscribe to Post (Atom)". This  is directly below the word, HOME. Just click on the link and all will be revealed.

For the rest you can share content via Facebook, Google + ....... three is a toolbar at the bottom of the Blog with little pictures that enables you to choose your option.

And then the big one .... do you want to see previous articles?   That easy. .Click on the word OLDER POSTS at the bottom of your Blog page. E mail us if you need any techie help. You will find contact information under the CONTACT US tab at top of screen.

1 comment:

  1. Look under Posted By just above and you will see you have Mail and Twitter options as well. That just above this Comments box.
