Union Buildings

Union Buildings

Saturday 3 October 2015

Memories of Harry Andrews

Hi Tom and Pieter,

While I was at the Embassy in London at some time between January 1977 and October 1981, Harry Andrew popped into the Embassy and asked to speak to one of the diplomats. I cannot remember whether either of you were still there but the lot fell to me and what a pleasure it was. He must have spent an hour or more in my tiny office and told me a similar story about his daughter who he was visiting in London. He told me that he was not accompanied by his wife.

He said that he had not been a career diplomat but a politician and member of Fred Cresswell's Labour Party which went into coalition for a while with the National Party between the two World Wars. He must have stayed on a bit and his daughter got married while he was stationed in Paris. He told me that he had felt honour bound to tender his resignation when she got married. I cannot remember whether or not it had been accepted.

My memory might, however, be a bit fuzzy on some of the details.

Leslie  Manley

1 comment:

  1. Dear Tom,

    I managed to catch one of the nasty viruses going around here, so have not
    been in touch. Thank heaven I am now back to normal.

    Thanks so much for all your efforts in creating the Blog. All you have to do
    is write it in Google now, and lots come up. I have worked out the best way
    to pass it on to others, as there are now so many interesting stories coming
    to light. They sound so naturally as though one were speaking.
    It is a much better way than trying to create another book series, although
    the Trilogy had to be in book form as so big.

    We are suddenly having hot weather, which is crazy 30C at this time of
    year. No rain either, so we are in for the Bushfire season already.
    There are still those who do not believe in climate change !

    I hope all goes well, and good luck with the process.


