Union Buildings

Union Buildings

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Advice from a successor ....

Tongue in cheek I am sure ...grid alignment was an issue today, but you will get the drift.

You will never go wrong - you won’t go astray
Take your cue from Louise and silent good Gray.

You may think that your cables are in a trash can,
They are not – they’re misfiled by Tienie, Magda and Ann.

You can always depend cas Kruger’s maturity
 To protect you from the pickets and guard your security.

This advice that I’m giving, these tips and these feelers,
I suggest you share with the newcomers, the Wheelers.

Take a cue from Boet Wentzel as jy genooi word vir kos,
forget about tooth picks, just take dental floss.

When runs riot and someone shouts MOORD,
For coolest of heads just look for van Oordt.

They’re dapper, they’re sauve right down to the last pinkie,
That Piet van Vuuren and that incredible Dinkie.

If it’s scientific ask Doug, no nonsense, no folly,
If it’s turkey skin that your after you had better find Mollie.

If you don’t want to get lost in the Pentagon halls,
We’ve got the best guides, the ubiquitous Molls.

If it grows or is raised or even cooked “om te proe”,
If the Doctor can’t name it, just ask Mrs.Roux.

You may think “sy is sjarmant”, don’t start getting silly,
For wherever there’s Sannie you will always find Willie.

Though the business enquiries may come in torrents,
Call on Gerhard Voigt, or in a pinch, on Florence.

When you need sage advice seek out Eddie Dunn,
And don’t forget Daphne, she is A number one.

Jy mag soek wyd en suid, ‘n skooner nooi nooit te vinde,
Maar ons het haar hier, want dit is dan Rhinda.

If you really want help from one who’s unawed,
You had better remember our Madam Maud.

And in a dire moment if you are faced with the penitentiary,
I suggest a good lawyer, His Excellency the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
               Hannes van Rooy

Chauffeur to the Ambassador

Tienie van der Merwe, Magda de Kock en Ann Krause, foreign assistants

Military section

Third Secretary

Stephan Wentzel, who loved food preparation

Second Secretary

First Secretary and his wife

Doug Shuttleworth, representative of the CSIR

 Brigadier Moll, air force officer who was Military Attache

Agricultural Counsellor and his wifeseller

Wife of the Information Counsellor Willie Grobler

Commercial Counsellor

Political Counsellor and deputy head of mission

 Daughter of the Ambassador and Mrs Naude

Wife of the Ambassador, an American lady

Ambassador Chris Naude

Information Attache

1 comment:

  1. I remember Ann Krause, she transferred to Inland Revenue to look after her ageing parents on a farm outside Bloemfontein. I also have a list of the entire Department with CP Jooste crossed out and Brand Fourie written in, and you as Third Secretary! It shows Date of Birth (27/10/38), qualifications (BA), and (I think) date of promotion (1/3/63). I have it scanned and will send it if you give me an address. Thanks for keeping the memories going! Andy Selfe
